The Godzette
Volume 18, Seventh Edition Pricele$$
The Truth

Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. We claim to want the truth, but we really don’t. That is why we lie to and cheat ourselves constantly. The truth is not in us if we do not accept Christ. The bible is the truth; every infallible word in it was God breathed into the one’s that wrote it. If we are not reading the bible we do not want the truth. If we are not living the truth, but making excuses and compromising we are not even seeking God. Our search is limited to our own lack of participation and self inflicted ignorance and ultimate demise.

When someone speaks the truth your heart knows it right away. The truth is never uncomfortable or discomforting, and if it is it is only for a fleeting moment

before you recognize it to be the truth. The truth is blameless and unselfish; always right and honorable in its presentation.

If a relationship is not based on the truth a separation will occur followed by a division, for the truth cannot be married to a lie. Anything other than the truth is of the devil and designed to undermine God’s provision of goodness for our life. Adam and Eve did not tell the truth in the garden and chose to sin. Sin became death and presented a challenge to eternal life, where Christ conquered it on the cross with the truth.

In all circumstances the truth lives beyond anything else. It stands alone and is totally exposed with honesty and righteousness. Sin however is a lie that hides in darkness, not wanting to be exposed. That is why it takes one lie to cover another and another and so on until eventually the truth surfaces like a cork, popping up to remain there.

As for a Christian and true believer there is only one way of existence and that is the truth always, no matter what. Family, relatives, friends or even strangers met for the first time deserve the truth and in turn so do you. If someone is not dealing in the truth they are a liar and of the devil’s devises. If a person close to you is lying you must make a crucial and critical decision of confrontation for their exposure. Anything less is a lie of compromise and bred for failure and will undermine your ethics and commitment to Jesus. He claimed that we are either hot or cold, but if we are lukewarm he would spew us out of his mouth. Black and white lies do not mix and therefore grey can not exist. The truth shines in its clearness like the precious gem that it is.