The Godzette
Volume 18, Fourth Edition Pricele$$
Puffed Up

Whenever anyone is puffed up, their ego is inflated beyond the norm. It means that they are full of themselves instead of God. We only know what God wants us to know. If our minds are shut off to certain information and situations it’s for our own good. In the bible it is mentioned many times that at certain instances God cast sleep upon different men at different times.

In the Garden of Gethsemane and at the Mount of Transfiguration are two examples of men not being privy to certain information because God overshadowed them with sleep.

King Solomon is another example of when he prayed to God with humility requesting

knowledge, wisdom and understanding of God’s word to apply when ruling over the people that would seek his opinion; it was granted to him along with wealth because he never sought the later foremost.

In this life what does it matter how many certificates, PhD’s, Bachelor of Art or Master degrees you posses proclaiming the intelligence that God has gifted you with, when God can remove it all with a fatal disease or untimely accident. We are that vulnerable and susceptible when we are out of the will of God and what his intensions are for our life. If our ego is so inflated, God must send us on a corrective course to return us to listening to him before it is too late and we are too far removed from the reality of his truth.

God’s intelligence is displayed openly and visually, but always with secrecy and anonymity. Realizing that God created the world with a spoken word and that he can destroy it with a spoken word, who are we to question anything? Our purpose is to follow and let him lead. Anything aside from that is our ego getting puffed up and thinking we are something that we are not.

Jesus never proclaimed look at me when he performed many miracles. Most of the time he commanded the various people not to tell anyone. God manifested himself in the flesh as the Son of God and removed his deity and royalty as creator to come to this earth in humility and meekness, to allow him to be crucified on our behalf for our salvation. If he can do that, what is our problem? The next time our ego becomes inflated or puffed up, pray to God that he will prick our hearts with compassion and understanding that he’s in charge and we are not. It is his car, he’s driving, and we are only along for the ride.