The Godzette
Volume 20, Third Edition Pricele$$
Life is Simple

Life is as simple or as difficult as we make it. Growing up on the farm was working hard and sleeping like a baby. Getting the crops in the ground for the right season meant everything. It is also the way a Christian should live his life. To win a soul you must allow the Holy Ghost to live through you and plant a seed at the proper time. The watering and harvest will be taken care of by God.

Every second that ticks in your life is all about Jesus. When Jesus spoke in parables he always talked about everything using farming examples and metaphors. Everything was explained in very simplistic terms and that is why very few have an understanding. Even the disciples had to have the parables

explained to them. We are always seeking a difficult answer to our simple questions, which the truth is quite unique when refined for our general needs.

Life only becomes complex when we get in the middle and apply our self. If we stick to the basics of life and do not stray too far, just as one sheep can meander off from the flock, our happiness will pursue us instead of the other way around.

As a model example Christ came in humility and humbleness, making himself less and everyone more. He was all about giving and not receiving. His life was simple until Calvary; but even when he was given thirty nine stripes and crucified on the cross he didn’t utter a peep and became a sheep to be sheared. He was sinless and would not bear a railing accusation against humanity, always rebuking the devil with scripture.

God’s way is gentle and right. He created the world in simplicity and with righteousness. Man has made it complex and corrupt with rebellion. We will be blessed if we are in God’s will and surrendering to follow his lead. Nature survives and replenishes itself through the basic fundamental laws established by God.

The way the sun rises and sets each day is by God’s creation and flawless design. A diamond is formed from coal and under a lot of extreme pressure. In God’s eyes we are also considered a rare gem of exceptional beauty, ready to be multi-faceted to shine in God’s brilliance and glory. He prepares us for heaven with a change of heart to make it pliable with compassion for our brethren. God is honing us with Christianity in a work begun, knowing that the end product will glorify him in righteousness by living our life in simplicity and by his design.