The Godzette
Volume 15, Fifth Edition Pricele$$
In God's Favor

We stand at all times in God’s favor and image, for we were created as such. However, our flesh leaves something to be desired, for it lives in corruption and sin and having a poor sense of direction it will make the wrong turn every time.

God seeks our hearts, and when he finds one that loves him fervently and unceasingly he pours his favor upon it and fills it with blessings. God’s favor is something that can be purchased, not with money, but only with a dedicated heart. It is the way in which God wants to be loved, with our entirety of mind, body, soul and spirit. If we lack in any one, it will be brought to our awareness and that area will be worked upon through the Holy Spirit.

When the Lord’s favor presses upon our life in a mighty way, there is not a moment of denial or misunderstanding. It is God’s love radiating and reaching out to change our lives into the dynamics of being consumed with his truth and fulfillment. There is no love like the love of Jesus and it will never be replaced by anything else because he gave it all. That is why God requests of us to love him with our entirety, because that’s the way he loved us first before the world was formed.

God’s favor strengthens our faith and belief along this journey to be in his kingdom. He gently guides us with a supply of intuition and wisdom in preparation for the great event when we meet our maker. He has given us tremendous insight of his glorious existence and showered us with his love from conception until life wears us out. God‘s favor is as much a part of our life as the air we breathe, we just don’t notice it nor appreciate it like we should. We are blessed to be in God’s favor and consideration.