The Godzette
Volume 13, Sixth Edition Pricele$$
Our Sin Nature

Satan established the sin nature of humanity in the Garden of Eden through the temptation of Adam and Eve. From that day forward lust has controlled every man and woman that has ever been born. The sin nature, which everyone possesses, is the source of lust and that is what tempts us or influences us to sin.

The sin nature blinds people’s thoughts and camouflages spiritual matters to quench the Holy Ghost and his work within us. This sin nature continuous to hinder us throughout our lifetime but has less of an affect as we grow in our walk with Christ. This sin nature was judged and nailed to the cross along with Jesus when he died for us to atone for our sin. Until Jesus returns we must learn to live in the strength of Christ, which is the new man in us after we accept him as our savior, and overcome these sinful desires one at a time. We can never entirely lose our sin

nature, but we can allow the Holy Spirit to keep us from the temptation and resist evil through prayer and strength.

After the rapture, when we are in the loving arms of the father, sin will no longer exist within our flesh because we will have been transfigured, leaving the sin nature behind. There will not be any lustful thoughts in our minds and hearts, because along with our fellow brethren our desires will be of God and the goodness of his glory filling our temple in heaven to the brim. His holiness and purity will reside forever in our spirit and we will live with the innocence that was created in the garden, walking in love with the Lord as our only form of existence.

When the temptation of sin stirs us we must rebuke the devil and realize that the lust is only temporal and fleeting at best. We must weigh our eternal soul with the repercussions of sin and take it one day at a time to work towards our minds set in Christ.