The Godzette
Volume 10, Sixth Edition Pricele$$
The Trinity

When we seek God we are seeking the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. We are seeking him in his entirety and accepting him into our hearts without reservation or limitation. We are asking him to reveal himself through Jesus Christ by entering into our being to change our minds and sinful ways. We are accepting God’s truth of the bible and reverencing his holiness and righteousness of perfection without question through faith.

As we gravitate towards him by purifying our hearts and preparing our entrance into the kingdom, we live our lives with repentance for the wrong and sinful ways of our flesh. We are heaven bound in soul by our actions here on earth, for our works judge us. Our carnal flesh will

return to the dust from which it was created and our spirit returns to the father, which gave it.

God gives us free will to explore the unknown realms of his domain where honesty and truth rules for eternity. In the far reaches of the third heaven where God’s throne is untouched by sin, our transference from earth to him is instantaneous when we die. We are shuttled in a dimension of travel that is without hindrance or limitation to the glory of God, where angelic worship and the multitude of believers live to praise him.

There is no free ride in life and we are all accountable for our choices and actions while living in the flesh. As we walk in our Christian beliefs our hearts are purified as we learn to distance ourselves from evil. Through persecution and trials of sin we can no longer tolerate its existence either within ourselves or anyone else professing the Christian walk. We know we are saved and aboard the shuttle to God when sin becomes an abomination to our soul and repulsive to our everyday existence in life. We must only condemn and judge ourselves and never another, because but for the grace of God go I. Only God knows our heart and through his trinity are we judged by him as we try to live our life in purity.