The Godzette
Volume 10, Fourth Edition Pricele$$
War on the Floor

If you are on praying terms with the Lord, you know how to plead your case. Fervent prayer opens the ears of God like no other. Genuine pleas of need will not go unnoticed, nor will they remain unanswered.

To begin a loving relationship with the Lord is like you begin a loving relationship with your wife or children… you just start doing so. It begins with simple prayer or conversation with God, because he has asked you to do so. Talk to him and tell him how you feel, expressing possibly the cares and needs of your life. God is King of compassion and love. He is listening whether you think he is or not. There is nothing more important than your conversation with him because he created

you for that purpose.

Listen to his response through the Holy Ghost. You will know your answer by what you feel inside and signs of his participation in your life through certain events that are unmistakably him and not labeled off to coincidence or chance. It will be multiple nudging or urges for you to act upon as he guides you in answering your prayer requests. God wants you to seek him and be part of your life so that he can bless you as you live your Christian life.

In 2 Kings 20 Hezekiah is dying and the prophet Isaiah comes to tell him to get his affairs in order. Hezekiah was so ill that all he could do was turn his face to the wall and pray to the Lord. He pleaded his case and reminded God of his loyalty and perfect heart and wept bitterly. It came to pass that before Isaiah could leave the premise the word of the Lord came to him and told him to return to Hezekiah and tell him that his prayers have been heard and he will be healed. God extended his life for fifteen years and gave him the sign that he requested that it would be so by returning the shadow backwards by ten degrees.

God may not supernaturally stop the world from spinning and reverse it to bring the sun back up for us, but if it is his will he will bring it forth the next day. With Christ all things are possible and his love for you far outweighs the world. Your prayers are so vitally important to him because answering your concerns is his pleasure. Pray to God about everything. He knows your needs before you do, but he wants to hear it from you because he cares and loves you.