The Godzette
Volume 7, Second Edition Pricele$$
Get Onboard

When you get onboard you leave the world behind. Jesus comes into your life and you are asked to follow him in faith and never look back. This means placing your hand on the plow and never turning around. It means changing your life forever and living with his love in your heart in all circumstances and situations. Not an easy thing to do while living in the flesh and on this planet, where everything surrounding you is in this world of resistance.

It means stepping beyond your will and doing what the Father’s will is for your life.

It means never compromising him over your friends and family, especially your

wife, husband, children, or anyone else of the world that wants you to bend the rules and not stand firm in his Word. It means jumping over all the hurdles that Satan will place before you… and there will be many. Cheerfully roll out the acceptance of persecution and suffering for Christ’s sake. Know that you will be challenged or threatened by demonic devices trying to crush your spirit.

You must receive with open arms the resistance of the world. Watch the struggle gain in strength and magnitude, until the rejection of our savior is conquered with acceptance. Ring the bell clearly and sound the alarm against Satan’s arrows of attack. Shout from the highest mountain top of his deception and dishonesty. Expose his lies and evil offerings of death to your soul. Rebuke his sinful ways and imitation of the truth, for nothing of him is genuine or innocent.

Get onboard with the opportunity that may never pass this way again. Reach out with acceptance the offer of eternity with God. Have your pass punched with the certainty and assuredness of reaching your destination, without worry or fear that you might not make it. Forget about if you are good enough or deserve it, because nobody qualifies. Jesus is the admit-one ticket that has been paid for in full, by the trade and gift of his life for our sin.

Reach out and grab the only offer being made for eternal salvation. Live in God’s grace and mercy with faith, belief and hope that someday, someway and somehow everything is going to be alright. Even if it’s at the next whistle-stop and you’re running for the caboose, get on board and take a seat for what God has in store for those that love him. Be patient and sit back and enjoy the ride of life, until your final destination of heaven is reached and you dwell in the glory of the Lord’s house forever.