The Godzette
Volume 23, Seventh Edition Pricele$$
Walk In Your Father's Shoes

To walk in the shoes of the Father is what every infant tries to do at some point in their life. They see Dad and want to do what he does; be like him because he is their role model.

As a Christian, God is our Father figure and we wish to follow the steps of Christ in our walk with Him. We step into the shoes of the bible and grow in scripture as the years of study mature our feet. Our

heavenly Father has set the guidelines for us to follow as he leads us by example and commandment.

The strength and solid character of our Father guides us with assurance and stability throughout our adult life, allowing the core of our masculinity to unfold in emulation. The Father sets the standard as the figure of authority for the family, and all seek his wisdom, knowledge and understanding for life. His judgment is trusted and respected beyond challenge or rebellion.

To fill God’s shoes is impossible, but to try them on and walk around in them feels wonderful. He strengthens our arches so that we do not become flat footed and uplifts our step so that we do not shuffle. God walks with us taking one step at a time, slowing down or speeding up as our pace requires. On the journey towards the kingdom, one foot is placed in front of the other until our destination is reached; our feet will not be weary or tired from the trip because of the comfort of our Father’s shoes. We even have room to wiggle our toes.