The Godzette
Volume 19, Third Edition Pricele$$
Your Image

If you stand before a mirror and see your image, then step away, that image leaves your mind instantly. God tells us that our life is like a vapor, here today and gone tomorrow. We must not put much stock in the flesh and bones that we see before us, because that is not us; it is only a shell or vessel that contains our soul during this brief stay while here on this earth.

Mirrors, photographs and reflections help remind us of what we think we look like, but only for the moment. Our ego tells us that is who we are, but our soul or spirit informs us otherwise. Primping in front of a mirror or cosmetic surgery or anything else regarding exterior application is a waste of valuable time.

During one’s lifetime thousands of hours

and dollars are spent in a useless attempt to roll back the clock, to return to a state of vanity that disgusts God and is totally against his design for our life. He created the world with age, why should he make us any different? The bible says that we were created in his image. Somehow I can’t picture God getting a facelift or breast implants to increase his appeal. I don’t believe his self-worth is in doubt and neither should ours be. God made us the way we are in perfection and completion and we are here on this planet to learn our lessons before graduation into the kingdom. The image that each one of us has of our self is just that… an image or façade. It is just a false front that we use for a little while until our soul is solidified in righteousness and purity and fashioned by God’s order.

If someone is attracted or drawn to what we look like on the outside and is clueless to what we are inside, so will their misconception lead them astray and disappointment will soon knock at our door. The more makeup we pile on to conceal it, the more painful it will ultimately be during the exposure process. Truth and lies alike will all surface and confrontation is inevitable. Our image is not shatterproof nor is it something cast with endurance and longevity.

If we strive to mold our self in Christ and not focus on our own false self image, there will be a quality of humility and meekness in our substance. After the refining of clarity we will surface spotless of impurities and be what God intended as a soul formed in his image. That is why upon our death the body is rejected and cast back to the earth and our soul is returned to the Father whom gave it. There is only one worthy of an image and his name is Jesus.