The Godzette
Volume 16, Fifth Edition Pricele$$
Stand Up to Temptation

When you stand up to temptation and it knocks you down, you haven’t stood up to temptation. When you are a nonbeliever you don’t know that you are constantly in the eye of the storm called temptation. You do not know any other existence and sin invades your life constantly. The welcome mat is out for anything and everything. When you sin, you do not think of it as sin, instead it is justified away as the norm because everybody else does it, so what is the big deal?

When you are a believer, sin is not an acceptable way of life. It comes knocking at your door everyday. You do not answer it, because you recognize the familiar sound of the beckoning. You have experienced the devastation and havoc

that is reaped from the fields of evil. It is not even a consideration for a brief moment, because in that moment of deliberation sin will slip by and infiltrate your life like a common cold.

After Jesus was baptized, Satan took him in the spirit for forty days and continuously tempted him. Of course, he rebuked him again and again never faltering because he was the Son of God. Afterward he was a hungered and angels came to administer to him. Even Jesus became weak from the continuous assault of Satan, but he remained sinless for the offering to God on our behalf.

We must fight temptation with every fiber of our soul, before it has a chance to conquer us. Temptation is just that, it tempts us. God has given us the free will to reject the offering and live our lives in peace and joy without fear. The wages of sin is death. The death of the soul is far worse than the death of our flesh. The death of our soul will live in the eternal fires of hell with the realization that temptation ruled and conquered us, and it will be the only thought that will inhabit our minds forever. Stand up to sin and be counted as a force in the kingdom that chooses righteousness over evil in all circumstances. Let it be said that you stood for something when you are standing at the throne of God.