The Godzette
Volume 3, Seventh Edition Pricele$$
Gold DIgger

Panning for gold created quite a stir in the old days as the Wild West was discovered during the great California Gold Rush. Man has become a gold digger and placed a tremendous value on gold almost since the beginning of time. Adam traded the golden moments of his life in God’s garden for sin. The bible talks about the streets of heaven being made of gold. The children of Israel in their rebellion made a molten calf out of the symbol of gold and worshipped it. In marriage every one of us wears a ring of gold around our finger. Gold is at the top of our priority list in all things. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is covered with gold. Solomon built the temple for God and enshrined it in gold. The Arc of the Covenant, where God’s presence was in

the Holy of Holies, was encased in gold. T he Cheribums over the mercy seat was made of gold. The menorah and the shewbread table were made of gold. Anything even implied of having importance is made of gold. Revelation says that Jesus Christ himself will be wearing a crown of gold.

When you cherish a relationship, you treat someone like gold. Some people have gold in their teeth, their ears, their noses… you name it. Wars are fought over gold. Oil is considered black gold and it controls the world. Our monetary system is based on the value of gold. True love, the one precious gift of a lifetime given from God, is sometimes bartered away for gold or money because of greed. People will beg, lie and steal for it. Some will even trade their souls for it, but then it is too late.

Another definition of a gold digger in the dictionary is a woman who marries for money with the intension of getting divorced so that she will receive money by law.

Greedy people of today that resort to these tactics have strayed so far from God and his purpose that their very salvation must be questioned, not by us but by their own conscience if they still have one. They will justify and point the finger of accusation in another direction to deem their actions honorable and deserving.

The conclusion of the matter is the same… they are a thief. The bible says that they will not enter into God’s kingdom along with murderers, liars and whoremongers. The wrath of God’s vengeance will be served in their lifetime for a corrective course, until they either turn to repentance or a reprobate mind.

These corrupted ones will see disease, death, loss of the illegal gain, hardship, daily reprimanding and persecution and sufferings along with multiple curses placed upon their life. If they are not experiencing these corrective measures, the only sign or indication they will see from God then will be his silence. If you know someone where greed and the love of money has consumed their life, pray for them that God may have mercy on their lost soul.

Isn’t it ironic that this precious element of gold comes from the ground or dirt in which God placed a curse upon from the beginning. God built the streets of heaven out of gold to show man that he uses it under his feet as a common building material. The only true treasure in heaven is our relationship with God, and nothing taken from this earth will have value with exception to what is sown in our hearts.