The Godzette
Volume 2, Thrid Edition Pricele$$
Dissapointment in Delivery

Whether it is disappointment in ourselves or with another, it is an emotion that hurts like no other. If there are promises that have been made and broken and someone has let us down, in which expectations have not been fulfilled or even exists, this change of feelings or lack of is always disruptiveand disturbing. These malfunctions occur in life and are always tough in getting past and through. The quicker we learn to accept the change and adapt to the transition, life becomes easier and less volatile. This does not

mean compromise, but moving away from evil. It is in our struggle with unacceptability that we get bogged down and wallow in the pain of dominance and control over another’s unwillingness. Learning to accept the responsibility for our own downfalls and not blaming another will take us quickly to the head of the line for living in the kingdom with God.

God’s disappointment with humanity must be overwhelming at times, because at one point he regretted creating mankind. So much so that in Genesis 6:3-7 he dealt with man’s wickedness and corruption by destroying all but Noah and his family of seven. His discouragement overrode his judgment and he erased mankind from off the earth, with exception to the righteousness found in his servant Noah. God’s compassion and forgiveness shone beyond his judgment, which is postponed for another day.

In the interim, we are to seek forgiveness of the infractions by another and allow our anger and bitterness to subside for life to heal the misunderstanding and give consolation where it is due. If God can accept our rejection with grace and still pour out himself for our benefit, we must strive to understand another’s actions and their disappointment in delivery.