In Love With The Lord

A Prayer for Two Hearts and One Body

Two hearts with one body slain, swoon by remorse over distance gained, forever entered where dust has been, but no more for two hearts beat as one in spirit form and wind breathes life once again. Our love is our strength and not our weakness, and should be a daily answer to the problems that confront us. I express my love for you on this page with an open heart. Our love is our ultimate reality and our purpose on this earth. To experience it in each other and us is the meaning of life. Oh how blind I have been; love has always been within us; it isn’t destroyed; it has just been hidden. Forgive my blindness. Love is the intuitive knowledge of our hearts and I do, I do, I do love you so deeply. The endless chain of communication between loved and lover, the most beautiful song and the sweetest poem. It is the highest art and the most passionate love. Lord, you are of strong mind, and I do hope that husbanding will posses you! Beloved and honored. The bride must prepare and make herself ready.