In Love With The Lord

A Prayer for Rage to End

When the love flows within, the anger and venting of rage will end. The hatred that breaks forth into cruelties, and is veiled in the outward sincerity and concealed so well will be self-consuming by the light of heaven. When it flows into the truths of good it gives intelligence and wisdom. When it flows into the falsities of evil, it there turns into insanities and fantasies of various kinds. Anyone that raves against those that do not submit, or inflicts injury in any degree of envy, hatred, and especially vindictiveness are gnashing their teeth in the continual disputing and combating of falsities. Join also with the contempt of others, with enmity, mockery, and blaspheming - burst forth into violent assaults of various kinds. All the fallacies of the senses to them are truths, and it is from these that they dispute. In the spiritual world all falsities are grating, and those who have confirmed themselves in such acknowledgement and denial are in profounder hells, because they can receive nothing of the light from heaven; and can therefore inwardly see nothing within themselves. They become sensual, corporeal spirits only believing what they see with their eyes and touch with their hands.