In Love With The Lord

A Prayer for the Angels to Return

I have seen angels here to guide and protect us. Now I see thieves trying to shake us when we are sleeping. I know only I must turn the key back. Where do you regain the trust in others when you have looked deep into so many souls that have betrayed us? I want so that the teardrop becomes the final act and prance off the stage, and let love declared stand there alone to hear the audience praise. This has been my whole life, my every breath, and you consumed every minute. There was nothing that I did that did not become a declaration of love or an admission of complete admiration for you. I lament of all the things we could have done and times I had the chance to be with you. The longing overwhelms me and you were my only shelter in life. Where are the angels? There will never be a day in my life without thinking about you. You drive me like the wind does a little flower. My soul soars up and up like an angel reaching for God. I will never be without the light of your soul. Jesus, I am yours and you are mine.